and so the earth fell | Rated Teen | Final Fantasy XIV Fanfiction

and so the earth fell

It was unpleasant to learn that ice could burn his skin worse than fire.

The snow continued to fall without a care, the winds whipping at them relentlessly as they trudged toward their destination, Alphinaud’s fingers stinging as he held them close to his chest, trying to retain what warmth he had left. He wasn’t sure what hurt more at the moment, the gale that carried hardening snow or the tears that pricked at the corner of his eyes as he stared at the Warrior of Light’s form braving against the weather.

His face scowled at the title, cursing it for what little protection it had offered Jou’le when the accusations began to mount, allies he had foolishly believed would remain at Jou’le’s side through thick and thin casting the warrior aside without a second thought.

It’s the way of the world, he tried to remind himself, No one remains an idol forever. 

“The gate’s not far,” Jou’le’s voice cut through the wind, a soothing balm to Alphinaud’s heavy heart. He raised his head to see the Miqo’te flash a tired smile, “Think you can bear the walk for a while longer?”

Alphinaud couldn’t help but laugh sharply, “I have visited hell frozen over and lived to tell of the primals I have seen devoured,” he said, barely suppressing a shiver, “Peaceful weather such as this shan’t end me.” He felt the edge in his voice soften, eyes downcast, “Though the concern is much appreciated.”

His surroundings were warmer all of a sudden, smelling heavily of earth and herbs. He raised his gaze to see Jou’le’s attire lighter than before, the coat his dear friend had been wearing now draped around his shoulders. 

“This…?” he asked, voice hardly louder than a whisper. But he knew Jou’le heard.

 Jou’le always heard.

“As comforting as it is that your pride continues to burn,” Jou’le said as he smoothed Alphinaud’s hair down, “Don’t be afraid to be honest.”

Alphinaud felt a sensation coil deep in his belly, no doubt emerging from his conflicting emotions at that moment. 

You always take care of me, he wrapped the coat tighter around his shoulders, breath coming out in cloudy puffs, But when can I take care of you? 

“You know,” he said after a while, Jou’le matching his pace as they continued their trek, “The scent makes me think of stew.”

Jou’le’s tail brushed his side, and Alphinaud felt his ears turn down, burning hot, unsure if the action was conscious or not.

“Stew’s good,” Jou’le hummed, “Haven’t had any in a while….”

“Perhaps when we arrive,” Alphinaud said as he bumped lightly into Jou’le, hiding a smile when Jou’le’s tail brushed his side again, “We can seek some out. Though,” he glanced around at their surroundings, only the faint edges of the gate in the distance visible, “I’m afraid our ingredients might be sparse.”

“We could grow some.”

“Grow?” Alphinaud’s brows drew together. “In these conditions?”  

Jou’le cupped his chin, “Cabbage, perhaps.” He turned to Alphinaud and then laughed. “Without spices this time.”

Alphinaud couldn’t help but splutter, face hot. “My tears that time were only for show!” He turned his nose up, grumbling, “Of all the things to remember….”

“Rather hard to forget,” Jou’le grinned wider, “Never seen such a color.”

“And you shan’t again!” Alphinaud said, cheeks glowing red. “I simply hadn’t developed my palette, but I won’t be caught unprepared again!”

Jou’le’s tail brushed against him, “Your bravery warms my heart, young lord.”

Alphinaud held the coat around himself tighter, trying to regain his composure. “A-A simple kindness,” his palms felt sweaty beneath his mitts, “A-A generosity from one ally to another.” He peeked up at Jou’le, the Miqo’te’s expression causing the coil in his belly to burn hot.

Jou’le laughed, more revitalized than before. “That so?” His ears perked up, and the Miqo’te turned his head, the fondness hidden once more. Alphinaud narrowed his eyes at the horizon, muffled screeches blending with the winds as figures began to take shape.

 “They’re expecting us,” Jou’le said, lip curled into a snarl. “How kind.”

Alphinaud watched as Jou’le moved a half-step in front of him, undoubtedly intending to shield him. Not this time, he thought as he moved forward to match his friend’s pace, I’ll prove I’m worthy to stand by your side.

He placed his hand on Jou’le’s arm, feeling the tension thrumming beneath taut muscles. Jou’le’s ear flicked in his direction, but his attention remained on the approaching enemies.

“We’ll have to repay their hospitality,” Alphinaud said, thumb gently tracing a small pattern on Jou’le’s arm, the tension easing beneath his touch. Jou’le finally looked at him, and Alphinaud grinned cheekily, “Prove it’s well deserved.”

He could see the hint of a protest forming on Jou’le’s lips, but then his friend sighed, the fondness from earlier twinkling in his eyes. Alphinaud was thankful for the weather, the cold helping to calm the heat that refused to leave his cheeks.

“Right you are,” Jou’le said, placing a warm and heavy hand on his shoulder—Alphinaud wondered if he could ever inquire his friend in-depth about them for curiosity’s sake really—a promise laced within his voice, “Together now?”

Alphinaud smiled, tome ready in hand. “Always.”