michigan peaks | Rated Mature | Final Fantasy VII Fanfiction

michigan peaks

“Boss,” Sonon said through gritted teeth, “Please… try to keep still.”

The small lump in his vest moved, and Sonon looked down to see Yuffie’s small head peeking up at him, displeasure evident on her face. She turned to lean against the seam of his vest, and Sonon quickly cupped a hand around her in the chance she fell out again. “It’s hot in here,” she complained, emphasizing her point by slapping a slimy hand against his shirt. “At this rate, I’ll end up melting! Plus, these things,” she kicked a leg out to the side of his chest, and Sonon inhaled sharply, “Keep poking me! Can’t you take them out?”

Sonon had no idea how he should explain to his boss that her constant movement against his chest and slime seeping through his shirt may have had an effect on him and that tearing one’s nipples off wasn’t as easy as it seemed. 

Possible, yes. Easy, not so much.

(Of course, he did know how to do it, but the process would have been a tad bit too bloody, and, as shameful as it was, Sonon did enjoy the feeling of Yuffie moving around on his chest.)

“They’re protective gear,” he lied, gently moving her foot away from his erect nipple. “High-grade ninja gear.”

Yuffie’s eyes widened.

Sonon would have thought to coo at how cute she was if it weren’t for their current situation.

“Top quality ninja gear?” she said in awe. She held her chin, thinking. “Wonder if I’ll get some next….”

Sonon bit back his comment, knowing it would be more than a tad bit inappropriate for him to mention that his boss had more than enough gear in the chest department. Plus, he already had enough blood rushing elsewhere, no need for him to fan the power of his fantasy imagining anything else.

Though, he couldn’t help but wonder if the boss would carry him if he turned into a frog. Would she place him on her shoulder? Or perhaps close to her chest? He doubted that she’d put him inside her shirt, but still, he couldn’t help but smile, picturing himself in there, slime-covered and with a long tongue, potentially helping his boss out in—

A tongue hit his cheek, and he saw Yuffie waving at him. “Earth to Sonon!”


Yuffie rolled her eyes. “I said can I check it out?”


Yuffie croaked. “Your gear!” She laughed boldly, the same laugh she did when she tried to hide her inexperience and was about to ask to do something potentially troublesome. “It only makes sense that the boss knows these kinds of things!”

In hindsight, Sonon should have realized that this was a potential outcome of his lie.

And as much as he dreamed of a day where he and Yuffie could caress each other to their heart’s content, frog or not, he—

Yuffie tilted her head, the headband on her head swaying slightly. 

—figured what harm was there in letting the boss satisfy her curiosity?