he who rots, spoils others | Rated Teen | Ensemble Stars! Fanfiction

he who rots, spoils others

Fondness looked awful in those eyes.

The way lips parted gently with revered breath, a peaceful smile sitting on those disgusting features whenever the younger Amagi crossed his path. 

The lingering second where the sinner’s hand rested on Hiiro’s shoulders after a performance, no doubt unaware of the way his eyes followed the sweat rolling down Hiiro’s neck.

HiMERU noticed it all. 

HiMERU cursed it all.

Kaname wasn’t enough for the bastard. 

He’d make do with even second-rate. 

HiMERU knew that Rinne would kill HiMERU for such a thought—the man’s devotion to his poor, pathetic, helpless brother might have been one of his only redeeming qualities—but HiMERU didn’t care. 

After all, HiMERU had long since died.

Kazehaya Tatsumi made sure of that

Unlike Kaname—sweet, trusting, foolish Kaname—the younger Amagi was raised with claws.

He wasn’t born that way, of course. 

No child ever was. 

It was a truth that Rinne lamented about in private as he drew their next steps, gambling against the odds in hopes that he could destroy the world, all so that his brother could be free from the bane of expectations and thrive in the opportunity of existence. 

The sentiment was one that HiMERU understood all too well. 

For Kaname, who slept peacefully and dreamt of candied stars, HiMERU would spill the blood of thousands in order to grant his dear Kaname’s wish.

The television screen above displayed Tatsumi and Hiiro as they answered the interviewer’s questions, tones ever cheerful. Tatsumi smiled at the woman and patted Hiiro’s shoulder, gently squeezing the younger Amagi in what the world would probably see as doting and caring. 

HiMERU wasn’t so easily fooled.

HiMERU knew better.

He leaned against the wall, lip threatening to curl back into a snarl with each grating laugh Tatsumi let out. The interview was dragging on far too long for HiMERU’s liking, but it wouldn’t do to cause a scene. Not now. 

HiMERU couldn’t help but smile, dreaming of the day of Tatsumi’s downfall.

As if sensing the malice, the younger Amagi snapped his head in HiMERU’s direction, body tense, and weariness clear on his face.

“Oh my! Amagi-san, is everything alright?” the interviewer asked with poorly fabricated concern. HiMERU knew that the moment Hiiro caused a scene, the cameras would devour the boy in a heartbeat. 

“Ah, perhaps he’s exhausted from training,” Tatsumi said, placing his hand on the small of Hiiro’s back and caressing it as if Hiiro was but a lamb.

HiMERU didn’t hear, nor care, about what the interviewer responded with, a revelation blossoming within him.

He’s a child who was raised as a beast, Rinne had often lamented, Someone so foolish and sweet shouldn’t be aware of that much suffering yet.

HiMERU met Hiiro’s gaze and smiled, bowing his head and deciding to take his leave. 

Kazehaya Tatsumi would pay for everything. HiMERU would make sure of that.

The door quietly opened as HiMERU departed the studio, Hiiro’s eyes never leaving him.

HiMERU laughed once more as he continued toward the exit, excitement fluttering within his breast, hands trembling as the plans raced through his head.

After all, what better way was there to break the shepherd than to slaughter his pathetic, precious, foolish lamb?