resource center

gif of a pink teddy bear blowing a heart

because sharing is caring

hello and welcome 2 da resource center

if a link is broken/dead or you'd like to send
greetings, please feel free to send a message to my

blinkie of a cat with the text Homepage

tips, tricks, and building bricks

how to create popups

handy tutorial on making pop windows

blinkies cafe

blinkie generator with lots of neat templates and fonts to pick from

Creating Gifs For Social Media

tutorial detailing how to make a simple gif (which i followed when creating my site button)

Sadgrl Online

layout help, buttons, and more! great resource for getting started on buidling your site

Sakura Dreams

graphics resources (pixels and gifs)

Pixel Safari

graphics resources (stamps, favicons, blinkies, dividers, etc.)


book layout tutorial

99GIF shop

graphics resource